Friday, February 22, 2008

Girl Scout Cookie Curse

Just the sight of a Girl Scout has me reaching instinctively into my purse to find a pen to fill out the cookie form. Living in suburbia, we have several Scouts come to our door hoping to make top cookie seller. Combine that with troops selling cookies outside the grocery store and we now have a pantry full of boxes of Girl Scout cookies.
This year I decided to employ my Halloween strategy with my Girl Scout purchases - buy what you don't like and you won't eat it. Funny how that works with Nerds and Crybaby gum, but not with Girl Scout Cookies. I didn't even buy Thin Mints this time around for fear of eating them all myself - like last year.
So, today for lunch I had more than a few Samoas. Does that come under fruits and dairy in the Weight Watcher's Food Guide?


Brownie Troop 157 said...

Ha, if it doesn't qualify for weightwatchers, surely it does for the cookie diet. I'm serious.

I know 2 people on the cookie diet. They order a bag of cookies on the internet, and eat the cookies (6 of them) through out the day. Follow it all up with a "sensible" dinner (whatever that means), and vous la.

I don't see how the GS cookie could be any different ;)

Anonymous said...

What do the PUT in those little morsels that makes them so addictive?